Notes For Endocrinologist Meeting
During times of extreme stress, both from having Type 1 Diabetes and the strain of managing my illness, I found it difficult to remember everything that had happened to me in between the three to four monthly visits to my Endocrinologist (Diabetes Specialist). He required information about any infections, visits to other doctors, and major events such as hospitalisation, and to be advised of any excessive hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic attacks, in order for him to adjust my insulin dose, and prescribe other medications. By writing down the main events, I was able to communicate these more effectively at the half-hour visit. He has also given me his permission to use his name and any relevant information in these web pages.
Notes for Rick – November 2008
Notes for Rick – December 2007
Notes for Rick – February 2006
Previous page: January 2008 to December 2010 Medical Appointments
Next page: Notes for Rick - April 2011