Do you constantly crave energy foods such as white bread, potatoes, rice and chocolate?

Then, according to a controversial theory that links carbohydrates to weight gain, chronic health problems and Syndrome X, the article, 'You Could be a Carbohydrate Addict' by Stephanie Osfield, may show this to be true.

One school of thought blames a high intake of carbohydrates for everything from weight gain, to Type 2 Diabetes, hence the recent flood of books on carbohydrate addiction. Don't think you are immune just because you reach for low-fat carbohydrate snacks. During digestion, the body eventually converts all  carbohydrates to glucose, so eating a piece of toast or a handful of fat-free crackers is little better than snacking on cake or corn chips.

Insulin is often referred to as 'the hunger hormone', because of its involvement in regulating appetite. Insulin is produced whenever the level of glucose in the blood rises. This happens more often when we eat foods such as carbohydrates, read,  'The X Factor Diet for Lasting Weight Loss and Vital Health' by Leslie  Kenton.

Syndrome X describes a cluster of metabolic disorders which predispose people to diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Becoming overweight causes the body to become resistant to insulin. The pancreas, where the insulin is produced, thinks there is a shortage and starts to make more insulin, so you end up with too much, a cause of Adult-Onset Diabetes, Type 11 Diabetes.

Do you feel that even though you watch what you eat, you still seem to keep piling on the kilos?
The insulin resistance may be responsible. You can spot the people who are at the greatest risk of developing Syndrome X because they have a tendency to store fat around their middle. If you are a carbohydrate addict, when you see, eat, smell or even think about starches, snack foods or sweets, your body over-releases insulin. Read,  'The Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program' by Rachel Heller.
The result is a recurring craving for carbohydrates. Carbohydrate addicts often eat less than naturally slim people, yet may be overweight because their bodies are more efficient at turning food energy into fat rather than storing that food energy.

According to the anti-carbohydrate experts, you should look for the following signs that you may be
addicted to carbohydrates -

1. Gaining weight easily but finding it hard to lose or keep it off
2. Concentration of weight around the abdomen area
3. Craving for foods such as bread or biscuits, even though it has only been a few hours since you
had your last meal

4. A feeling of overwhelming tiredness after you eat a large meal
5. An energy dip in the afternoon when you often have to fight to be able to stay awake
6. Chronic health conditions such as headache, exhaustion, lack of motivation and moodiness, usually most noticeable a few hours after a meal

This can be done by allowing yourself one high carbohydrate 'reward meal' a day by reducing certain carbohydrates such as white bread or potatoes. Eat more low glycaemic index (GI) foods which raise your blood sugar level at a slow rate. Any food with a GI rating of 0-30 is a good start, with a moderating rating of 30-50 being useful for weight loss.
Read, 'The G.I. Factor – The Glycaemic Index Solution' by Associate Professor Jennie Brand Miller,
Kaye Foster-Powell, and Dr Stephen Colagiri, listed in My Health Library.
This book also contains a chapter on low GI recipes.


 'The 1986 Pocket Calorie Counter' by Allan Borushek
